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The Manufacturing Processes of Plastics Plastic objects are formed and created through various kinds of manufacturing processes including polymer casting, injection molding and CNC machining. Each kind has its own benefits and the process that's used depends on various factors, such as the type of plastic material and the design of the part. The number of required parts also plays a role in determining the kind of process that's used. You'll learn additional details about these methods and other information related to the manufacture of plastics when you read this blog. We aren't employed in the manufacturing industry, we wrote this blog because we have a genuine interest in the way plastics are made. After doing the research, we wanted to share our knowledge with others by writing these articles.



PVC Vs. Polyurethane: Which Is Best for Your Flexible Plastic Tubing?

The quality and integrity of individual components can directly affect the performance of the products that you manufacture. Many products rely on plastic tubing to perform integral functions.

Custom plastic tubing can be ordered to give you the exact dimensions and characteristics you need to maximize the function of your finished product. You have two options when it comes to ordering flexible plastic tubing: PVC and polyurethane.

Understanding the pros and cons of these two materials will allow you to select the one that best meets your manufacturing needs. 

PVC Flexible Plastic Tubing

PVC is the most popular material used to manufacture flexible plastic tubing. This popularity can be attributed to a number of characteristics that contribute to the diversity of PVC tubing. PVC boasts rubber-like flexibility, with the ability to bend and move while retaining its original shape.

A broad range of liquids and chemicals can be transported through PVC tubing without causing any significant damage to the structural integrity of the PVC itself.

Despite this broad range of benefits, there is a major drawback to consider before you invest in PVC plastic tubing. It's possible for PVC to stiffen and crack when exposed to extreme environmental factors. Some PVC tubing also contains a plastic additive that can get gummy or sticky over time.

Polyurethane Flexible Plastic Tubing

Plastic tubing made from polyurethane offers a blend of the best qualities of both plastic and rubber. Polyurethane has a natural elasticity that allows for the flexibility needed from plastic tubing.

Some of the most significant benefits of polyurethane tubing include an incredible resistance to abrasions (both interior and exterior) and the ability to resist corrosion when exposed to moisture or contaminants over time.

The primary drawbacks of polyurethane plastic tubing are that the composition properties of polyurethane vary. This means that you must take the time to determine the primary elements used to create the polyurethane so you can identify if the product that will meet your needs.

Some polyurethane tubing works best when exposed to oils on a regular basis. Others must be submerged in water to function properly. Understanding the end-use of your products will help you identify the polyurethane composition that will create compatible tubing.

Both PVC and polyurethane plastic tubing can be useful in manufacturing applications. You will need to identify the unique challenges and performance requirements for your tubing before determining if PVC or polyurethane is the better option. To learn more, contact a company like Seiler Plastics.
